Week of Sunday, July 19th to Saturday, July 25th, 2015
Cody our youngest son's 36th birthday on the 20th, a happy day in our life!
We took our little Chevy in for 30K service. It had about 4-5K on it when we took it over from the Tayor's, our trainers.
President Wilson's visit, meeting, and overnight stay. Had a quick but good time with him. Got him at the airport and took him to an interview at Seshego then back to the chapel for a Priesthood meeting and then to our flat overnight and then right back to the airport early the next morning. Quick, but very enjoyable, for us at least.

This week we did quite a lot of office work, baking, and house rent and utilities payments and continuing to field calls about issues with the Elders, their cars, flats, and utilities, etc.

We got another ASUA laptop to better be able to handle the office work. It turned out to be slower than acceptable so we took it in for more RAM to get it's speed up and that seemed to be a big help.
The Elder's invited us along with to meet them at the Mike's Kitchen restaurant for the Elder's All-you-can-eat night! At least for three of them. Elder Diogo from Uganda just wisely stuck with a chicken breat dinner. Melanie and I didn't compete either and I shared my 'Jawbreaker' burger with Elder Van Heerden. The three competitive Elders ate 15 burgers between them (about 1/3 lb. each one) 4, 5 and 6 as it turned out.

Our basketball community service activity at Seshego continues to be a success with fun and energy and friendly kids to deal with. We are grateful that we have the four Elders to assist us now, we've been doing this for about six months and it's a task, a good service task, but a task. Hopefully we're planting the right kind of seeds for the future for them.
We took a lot of the cookies Melanie baked to the Movie night at the chapel "Meet the Mormons". It was great to see it again and be with some members and a few investigators as well. The cookies were great and we didn't bring any home!
I met our neighbor while he was washing his car. He is an Afrikaner Riaan, IT worker and has accountant wife that we haven't met yet. He was quite friendly so I told him about what we are doing as missionaries and gave him a Faith in Christ DVD which he seemed very pleased to receive.
We found our friend Jimmy Letsoalo had been feeling the symptoms of a cold all week long and wasn't up to our usual longer visit. So we cheered him up best we could about the bullfrog crossing sign across the road from the brewery, left him some food and prayed for him to get better.
While shopping we got this picture of a typical 'armored car'. It is an amazing piece of work that appears not only indestructible but able to destroy anything in its path if need be.
While walking this week around our housing area we also noticed the continuing work on something that we really never see anywhere. These guys are actually digging a basement for a home they are constructing. Homes are usually just build on a slab of cement. If you look close you might see why. These guys hit bed rock down a couple of feet and have been using jack hammers and labor to throw the pieces of rock out and then a guy wheelbarrows it over a ways and dumps it on a pile. Amazing!
While we were out shopping for baking stuff, I got pictures of some of these bags of maize, meal, etc. I liked the 'African' packaging on some of them too.
And last, but not least. We found a couple of hours on our p-day time to see this Minions movie. Good, clean, family fun show.
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